Twelve Sands Wiki
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In order to level up and gain skills in Twelve Sands, you need to get experience. There are several major ways to gain experience:

You do not gain experience for doing activities that do not require fatigue. The most efficient way to gain experience is always combat. You earn substantially less experience for fishing, and mining.

Experience needed to level[]

Here is a chart showing the amount of experience needed to achieve each level:

Level XP needed to reach next level Total XP needed to reach this level
1 100 0
2 400 100
3 1000 500
4 2000 1500
5 5500 3500
6 9000 9000
7 12000 18000
8 16000 30000
9 23000 46000
10 34500 69000
11 51750 103500
12 77625 155250
13 116435 232875
14 174655 349310
15 261980 523965
16 392970 785945
17 589455 1375400
18 884185 2259585
21 2984120
22 4476180
24 10071405

See Also[]